Saturday, September 16, 2006

Slow News Day

I noticed an article in a news clipping. It was a bit dated, but I thought it was interesting and I would share my thoughts. Surprise!! Anyways, it was an article about this group called the Perfect Angelz, and they are this singing, dancing, and burlesque-ing group of ladies that entertained for the troops out here. The article wasn’t so much about the girls themselves, but about the women soldiers’ reaction to the group and their performance. To put it mildly, the women were very upset that the show, featuring scantily clad women parading in front of a bunch of men, was put on by the services. They seemed to think that the show was demeaning towards woman, biased, and insulting, that they should have to be subjected to this.

I looked up the Perfect Angelz on their multitude of websites, and I see from the photos that they have been in Iraq a couple of times, that they entertain at fairs, rallies, and other places, and that the show that they put on for the troops was one of many. While I understand the concern of the female soldiers and I sympathize with them, I have to ask why the military doesn’t put more shows together in the first place. Yes, we have had a few shows here, mostly from Toby Keith, and a few others, but as far as I can recall, I have not seen any big USO type shows, and nothing even resembling the type of morale boosting stuff I saw during the Persian Gulf War. I remember watching Jay Leno and a host of other comedians and entertainers come out to my base, keep us laughing for an hour or so, then sitting down to eat dinner with the guys before moving to another camp. We all know about past USO shows featuring Bob Hope, and anybody who would come, out. Not anymore.

So, has the commitment to American’s men in arms changed? Do we not get to see the likes of Maria Carey, Outkast, or anybody like that entertaining the troops? I would love to see a big show out here, not because we don’t know how American feels about the job we are doing, but because anything that reminds us of the lives we left behind, can’t be a bad thing. Moral is touch and go in a lot of places out here, and it only takes a little to get people re-energized and re-focused on what we are doing. It doesn’t matter if the show is small or big, it would just be nice to see. I would like to believe that politics has nothing to do with peoples support for the guys and girls on the ground. I would like to see people with smiles on their faces, and energy in their step. I hope the guys and girls out here get what they deserve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way, I did infact forward this on to the people at the USO, it's good to have connections! ;)