Monday, October 11, 2010

So I was watching the Windows Phone 7 launch this morning.  Interesting stuff.  I have to say I like how everything seems to be seamlessly integrated into the other, and I love the fact that Windows Office is almost fully integrated into the device.  Since I use it so much at work and at home, its nice to get what I need any place, any time.  I am, however, a little concerned.    Not at the phones, or the technology. or the hype or the ads.  No, what I'm curious about is......why the hell did I just watch that?  2 hours of banter about a phone?  WTF was that all about?

Its Monday morning and I have the day off, so how come I'm not hung over, still in bed trying to wake up, dirty from doing the pub crawl into the wee hours of the morning, and wondering how I got my shoes off?  Why am I sitting here at 7 in the morning, on my third cup of coffee, tweeting and posting for no apparent reason because a company released a phone?  (A rather cool one, but still just a phone.)  Its a three day weekend, so how come I am sitting here instead of on a boat, on the river, with two beers in my hands and the sun on my back?


I need to get out more.  I need to get out of the house and into the real world.  I think, for maybe a little to long, I have been entranced by the electronic wizardry of our modern world, and not so much of the modern world itself.  The past week I have been working mostly outdoors, and I realized how much I like being outside.  I used to love being in the field, hiking the hills.  I saw the sunrise from the range on Friday, and I remembered how much I used to love being outside at the crack of dawn. 

My morning routine is kind of drab.  Make coffee, read LA Times, NY Times, MSNBC, CNN, Engadget, CNET, and the Early Bird.  Make mobile coffee, sift emails, answer texts, get dressed, go to work.  Afternoons, same thing.  Evenings, come home, same thing.

Maybe its time to rethink my habits.  Maybe its time to watch the game from the stadium, and not the TV.  Maybe its time to ride the bike to work, and not just walk past it every morning and promise myself "tomorrow."  Maybe I need to put down the phone and get back into the life I enjoyed.

So I think I will commit to that.  PT more often.  Get some exercise.  Go hiking.  Go looking.  Go someplace.  Do something.

Of course, I'll start tomorrow.  Today is my day off.....

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