Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hurray us!!

Well just when I thought it couldn't get better, it did.  God is good and his mercy endures forever.  It doesn't get more real life than this day.

We had a family meeting the night before, trying to decide if we should cancel the cable service.  Tough meeting because its more than just canceling cable.  It felt more like acknowledgement that we were not going to make ends meet anymore.  Before then, we always seemed kind of impervious to disaster.  No mattter what happened, we always seemed to get lucky or things turned our way.  Not this time.  We were finally slipping into the poor zone, and there was no way out.  We had cut through our savings, used all of our retirement funds, and the bills that we HAD to pay we had no more money for.  I forgot what it was like to look into the eyes of dispair, but if I had, I know I would have seen my reflection.

I had, earlier in the morning, stopped at an ATT store to pay the bill, and realized that if I paid the full bill, I wouldn't be able to pay the cable bill.  No money for allowance.  Groceries were going to be slim.  That really sucked, so I new it was going to be a bad day, seeing as it was only 9:30 in the morning.  So, I paid half the bill, and just decided to go home early. Why stay at work when you can't afford to be there.

I got home, closed the door, went to the kitchen when the doorbell rang.  Looked in the fridge.  Crap, no milk, and no money to buy it.  I though it was my Iphone 4 Case that I ordered 3 months ago and paid for then.  (awesome stuff)  .  Why do I even have this phone?  Its cracked and I can't afford to fix the glass.  The tires on the truck are bald and aren't going to last another month.  The electric bill is due, the IRS took too much money out of the bank, and there is still check out that people haven't cashed. 

Wonderful, it was a letter from FEDEX.   Has to be a motion or another subpoena from MCWEW.  Batting 1000 today.  I noticed it had a Lockheed Martin address.  Well, I figured I lost that job, they were just doing it in writing because they weren't going to waste the time to call.  So I opened it.  I thought, wow this is kinda thick for a rejection letter.  Well, thats not what it was.

Lets just say that God works in mysterious ways, and, just when you think you can't escape, he reminds you that all is not lost.  If you have faith, you will be rewarded.  Maybe it was his reminder that sometimes you have to be humbled to be humble.

I must thank my wife too, who gives me the strength to keep pushing for a better day.  Thanks love...

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